Remember check washing? Scammers cooked up a digitized version of this dirty old trick.


Remember check washing? Scammers cooked up a digitized version of this dirty old trick.


Apr 26, 2024

What it is: “Check baking” (sometimes referred to as “check cooking”) is a scam where criminals get their hands on a paper check someone has written, possibly from the victim’s mailbox, and use digital tools to create a counterfeit check made out to themselves.

How it works: Thieves steal the check, take a picture of it, then use commercially available software to change details – like payee and amount – and deposit it into their own account. They can also make digital copies of that first counterfeit check they created, effectively “scaling up” their operation. Depending on how closely the victim monitors their checking account, it can take days or weeks before the crime is discovered.

Where it all began

Back in the day, industrious scammers would erase the ink on stolen checks using common chemicals – this was called “check washing.” This trick was bad enough, but at least the damage was limited to that single stolen item.

The modern, digital scam is worse. Not only is it fast and easy to digitally alter and replicate a stolen check, many check bakers take advantage of image-based check depositing through banking apps – further obscuring their crime. They don’t even need to walk into a bank.

Protect yourself

Here are a few tips to help you protect yourself against digital check manipulation scams:

  • Invest in a secure mailbox and encourage trusted neighbors to help keep a watchful eye in the neighborhood.
  • Check and empty your mailbox often (daily, if possible).
  • Monitor your financial statements frequently and closely to spot unauthorized or suspicious transactions.
  • If you’re sending or expect to receive a check, track its receipt and be wary if it doesn’t arrive when expected.
  • Consider using e-checks or online bill-pay to reduce your use of paper checks.

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Remember check washing? Scammers cooked up a digitized version of this dirty old trick.

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